A Story of God's Love - Page 14 of 20
St. Henry Parish experienced considerable growth during the pastorate of Rev. John R. Wieberg who succeeded Father Petri as our pastor. Father Wieberg served as pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Advance before accepting his appointment to St. Henry's in Charleston.
Foreseeing the need to broaden educational opportunities for our children, Father Wieberg extended our school to a complete high school. He provisioned a well-equipped science laboratory, a commercial room and a library in the Convent School building. The first graduating class on May 23, 1937, numbered 6 boys and 3 girls: William Carr, Martin Halter, Mary Ellen Halter, George Harwell, Appolonia Pierceall, Margaret Rolwing, William Rolwing, Paul Stricker, and Andrew Williams.
Again manifesting his foresight, Father Wieberg obtained the remaining lots of the Rolwing and Deal additions to the city of Charleston for our parish. Those lots laid adjacent to the existing parish property. The addition of that land extended the campus to six times its original size, providing an ample area suited to the recreational needs of our youth.
The middle 1940s witnessed a notable increase in the size of our parish. The annual parish report for 1948 lists 1,080 known Catholics, an increase of 15 over 1947. In 1947 there were 44 infant baptisms recorded in the parish; in 1948 62 infant baptisms were recorded.
Our school enrollment increased proportionately, as well. In 1947 we enrolled 165 pupils in the elementary grades and 44 pupils in the high school. In 1948 we enrolled 180 pupils in the grade school and 45 pupils in the high school.
Because of such growth the help of an associate pastor became necessary. To that end the Archbishop appointed Father Raymond Rau, the first assistant pastor to serve St. Henry's, to assist Father Wieberg.
One of Father Wieberg's principal interests in the care of our youth was scouting. In 1931 he organized Boy Scout Troop 32, which thrived for the next 50 years, or so, before combining with the Methodist Church's Troop 33 to become Troop 323. Father Rau, serving under Father Wieberg, established a Girl Scout Troop in 1947. Father Wieberg's activities in scouting also extended beyond St. Henry's, embracing boys of various religious denominations in the area.
In December, 1948, Archbishop Ritter ended Father Wieberg's appointment at Charleston. Subsequently, the Archbishop appointed Father Wieberg to be the pastor at Arcadia, Missouri.
Excerpted and paraphrased from St. Henry Church 1873 - 1973.
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