A Story of God's Love - Page 9 of 20
On July 21, 1895, Archbishop Kain recalled Father Francis Brand to St. Louis, appointing in his stead Father Henry Hussmann as pastor of St. Henry Parish.
Born in Germany, Henry Hussmann came to this country to study for the priesthood. Upon his arrival he entered St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
After Henry Hussman's ordination to the priesthood the Archbishop appointed Father Hussman assistant pastor to Father John Hoffman, pastor of St. Henry's Parish in St. Louis. After several years of service as assistant pastor, and as pastor in various parishes, he came to Charleston to continue the work of Father Brand.
In 1897 Father Hussman established a parish in East Prairie, Missouri, about 10 miles south of Charleston. Eventually, due to deaths and removals the Catholic community there became too small to continue the mission parish.
Excerpted from St. Henry Parish 1873 - 1973.
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